出售 公寓 Nine Elms
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
This was a  shoot for @londonsquaredevelopments of 9 Elms their recent  project in London
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
出售 公寓 Nine Elms
  • 78.5 m²
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1
  • South-east

两床豪华公寓 - 九榆树,伦敦


先睹为快看看 Polarius International 的最新开发项目,该项目位于首都最大的再生区之一的中心地带,广受欢迎且享有盛誉的九榆树公园。

虽然我们可能在城市街道的无尽喧嚣中蓬勃发展,但我们需要与自然建立联系才能真正蓬勃发展。想象一下,一座建在公园内的房屋,在树木、草坪和开放空间中生长和繁荣。在这个街区,您可以通过九榆树公园单独设计的景观区域有机地相遇、玩耍和体验伦敦生活。这座占地 14 英亩的公园在沃克斯豪尔游乐园和巴特西公园之间创建了一条适合步行和骑自行车的走廊。它创造了休闲、体育和户外活动的焦点。如果想要稍微改变一下风景,或者想要更多的冒险,可以选择英国国家步道之一,然后从九榆树公园加入泰晤士小径。沿着英格兰最著名的河流探索 185.2 英里长的长距离步行道。

该开发项目是占地 4.5 公顷的线性公园的一部分,这是一条由公共户外空间和花园组成的绿带,从 #BatterseaPowerStation 到 Vauxhall Cross 贯穿九榆树。九榆树是伦敦 25 年来首个新地铁站的所在地:九榆树地铁站和巴特西发电站地铁站。伦敦地铁网络的延伸意味着前往西区和伦敦金融城的路程都不到 15 分钟。

巴特西发电站拥有 250 多家商店、咖啡馆、餐馆和休闲设施。这个精心策划的系列将您日常所需的一切都放在步行范围内。您可以在众多酒吧之一享用鸡尾酒,在节日和户外活动中欣赏现场音乐和街头美食,或者在该地区不断吸引世界一流的厨师时体验精致美食。

24 小时礼宾服务随时帮助您简化日常生活,让您可以专注于重要的事情。无论您工作到很晚、等待访客,还是干脆出国,礼宾服务都可以帮您送货、安排交通、提供洗衣服务、取件、帮助您预订出租车或餐厅餐桌等等,让您的出行更加方便。日常行动顺利。



🏗️ 完成日期:2026 年第一季度/第二季度


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  • 双层玻璃
  • 因特网
  • 玻璃窗
  • 户外照明
  • 电影院
  • 残疾人入口
  • 电梯
  • 光導纖維
  • 有线电视
  • 门卫
  • 对讲机
  • 监视器

Nine Elms

参考. 85153069

3 房间

2 卧室

78.5 m²

2 浴室


  • 作为一名受过训练的专业舞者和模特——由于受伤和渴望改变而退出了这个行业——我在 2007 年第一次接触了豪华房地产市场,当时我在伦敦著名的梅菲尔地区最负盛名的机构之一工作。

    这个角色证实了我所知道的对财产的热情。我负责帮助双方的人——最初是作为他们的首席谈 判代表,但后来作为财产估价师,为伦敦和英国一些最好的黄金地段的业主提供建议并 之合 作。

    我的下一步是在伦敦金融区工作,在那里我作为投资银行业的猎头成功度过了 8 年。我的工 作是经纪人和中间人,这是我喜欢并引以为豪的一个方面。这听起来很陈词滥调,但帮助某人 实现最终目标的回报,无论是找到他们梦想的家还是找到他们想要的工作,是一种永不过时的 感觉!

    财产是我一直热衷的事情。最终离开了我在这座城市担任猎头的角色,我想重新专注于我对房 地产的热情。为此,我开始了自己的房地产业务,以支持我在伦敦和英国各地的个人投资组合 和开发项目。

    搬到法国后,我现在自豪地居住在这里,并很高兴开始我的下一阶段旅程,与我的商业伙伴 Rhodri 一起创建 Polarius International Real Estate。作为 LGBTIQA+ 社区的荣誉成员,多元 化、包容和接纳每个人是我们的核心热情。




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